Broaden your horizons

... means to be open to the world, to the surroundings, to foreign cultures, to the others.
... means to improve his knowledge, to learn, to travel, to explore, to become curious.
... means, to be sensitive to social processes and changes .
BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS is an art projects, which connects artists from Syria, Venezuela and China and art teachers and students from five schools in Innsbruck.
BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS works in cooperation with the Gallery Nothburga in Innsbruck. It focuses on tolerance, acceptance and humanity.

The project 'Broaden your horizons' is completed by the exhibition in the Gallery Nothburga in March 2018. Artists and students show their work to an interested audience and send a signal of a successful cultural communication to the future.

Kath. BAFEP, Elementary School and Junior High School Kettenbrücke, KORG Kettenbrücke, BORG IBK

Cultural Workers:
Dr. Jussuf Windischer, Mag. Walter Waltz Anyanwu

Tommy Hammoud - Syrien
Miroslava Vilarino Ledo - Venezuela
Zhanhong Liao - China

© 20er - Die Tiroler Straßenzeitung

Broaden your horizons - Work of artists

Broaden your horizons - Work of students
